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Saturday, October 18th
Start anytime between 7:00am - 11:00am

Short Course: 3.1-ish miles
Mid Course: 5.4-ish miles
Long Course: 10.8-ish miles


OCTOBER 18, 2025

S58 W35820 County Rd ZZ
Dousman, WI 53118

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The race starts and finishes at the Scuppernong Trailhead
All three loops begin and end at the trailhead.

GPS Race Address:
S58 W35820 County Rd ZZ, Dousman, WI 53118

There's ample parking available at the Scuppernong trailhead.  We do ask that you please carpool with your friends if possible, to save space. 


The event is held inside the Kettle Moraine State Forest. Therefore, all vehicles entering the park must either have an annual WI State Park sticker or purchase a day pass and display on the front windshield. If you are purchasing a day pass at the park, please plan to have cash or check. Please visit the WI DNR Website to purchase a pass or for more information. 


We will race rain or shine. There's no bad weather, just bad clothing choices. Please make sure you are prepared for the day. Throughout the series, you may encounter cold temperatures, hot days, rain, wind and all the other variables Mother Nature loves to throw at you! Please note:  we do reserve the right to cancel in the event of severe weather, adverse trail conditions or at the request of WI DNR or local officials. 

Recommended Gear
Trail shoes are highly recommended for these races. With the exception of Oleson Cabin and Blue Springs, the trails are not highly technical. Although, that's not to say won't find rocks, roots and other hazards on course. We also recommend some sort of handheld hydration system be it a full pack or single handheld bottle. We DO NOT have cups at our aid stations so please come prepared to fill your bottle. 

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*Shop in person or online at
Performance Running Outfitters
for any gear you may need!


20+ YEARS  Specializing in endurance athletes

Scupp Course
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You may choose from a short, mid or long distance course at the race. All distances are loops and begin / end at the main trailhead where you park. 

Courses are well marked with colored flags. This trail system brings you mostly through wooded forest and gives you an opportunity to lay down a fast time. The first mile of the route is hilly, but if you can push through, you'll be rewarded with a chance to lay down the hammer to the finish. 

Short Course - 3.1 Miles  |  red flags
Mid Course - 5.4 Miles  |  yellow flags
Long Course - 10.8 Miles  | blue flags


Short Course - red loop + overlook to S9, follow green loop in
Mid Course - one green loops + overlook
Long Course - two green loops + overlook both times


aid is located at the trailhead (long course only)
- water 
- Hammer Heed

- sweet & salty snacks

Whatcha Get



1. Online race results

2. Free photos at all races.

3. Locally made finishers medals.

4. Post race snacks.

5. Live music at select races.

6. Free locally brewed craft beer

7. Incredibly organized trail race.

8. Option for adding on Series T-shirt.

9. Well marked trails & aid stations.

1. Online race results
2. 2025 Series Custom BUFF®

3. Free photos at all races.

4. Seven locally made finishers medals.

5. Option for adding on Series T-shirt.

6. Post race snacks

7. Live music at select races

8. Free locally brewed craft beer.

9. Seven incredibly organized and run trail races.

10. Exclusive runner coupons from series partners.

11. Well marked trails & aid stations.


A final schedule of events will be emailed to you 7 - 14 days before the event.

7:00am - Packet Pickup opens at the trailhead
7:00am - 11:00am - Course is open, start anytime

8:30am - Band starts playing (at select races)
11:00am - Packet pickup closes / start line closes
12:00pm - Timing closes (must be off course)


 We love supporting local artists!  We try to book a local artist at each event, playing live from about 8:30am to 10am.  Please stick around to support them!

Bathrooms / Trash
Portable restrooms will be available for you inside at the trailhead. We will also have a trash and recycle bin near the check in tent. Please respect the park and make sure all your trash is sorted and disposed of correctly. 

Craft Beer
Each participant 21 years or older has one free craft beer included in their registration. 
Hubbleton Brewing Co.
local craft beer

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We come alongside individuals, providing educational support and treatment options. Please don't think our mission is limited to just people who run. This is much bigger than that. Running is not the focus; but rather the people we can impact. Our focus is to bring light to the real struggles and challenges that are associated with mental health.


Every person who runs has the opportunity to earn series points. By placing in the top 10 in your gender and course distance, you automatically earn points. The person with the most points at the end of the series, wins! 

The variables for calculating points are gender and distance.  
Male - long course
Female - long course
Male - mid course
Female - mid course
Male - short course
Female - short course

1st - 10 points  |  2nd - 9 points  |  3rd - 8 points  |. 4th - 7 points  |  5th - 6 points

6th - 5 points  |  7th - 4 points  |  8th - 3 points  |  9th - 2 points  |  10th - 1 point

Top three overall winners in each category earn a prize at the end of the series.


We're so lucky to have a bounty of beautiful trail networks in our backyard. We are committed to keeping these trails clean and accessible for future use. We understand the impact events have on trail  systems, the parks and the communities around them and take extra measure to ensure the impact from any of our events are minimal. Below are some things you can expect to find at the event.

Recycling.  Please make sure things like plastic and glass make their way into the recycle bins.

Cupless Event. All our events are cup-less. This means we will not have paper cups at any aid station or water fill up stations. Each runner is responsible to bring his or her own reusable cup and reusable /hydration bottle. 

Carpooling. We recommend carpooling with friends or with your team on race day. Not only does it save in gas and emissions, but also makes the day more fun and enjoyable. Traveling with friends is always better than traveling alone. 

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